Well, for starters, I suck at any game. Literally, if I have played it, I suck at it. Especially, first person shooters. While I do really enjoy playing almost any game, I usually suck at them. I will always be that one person in League of Legends, who could have contributed more if we won, and the person who's fault it was if we lost. My friends and I have a running saying, "Just blame Arl." Generally it is true. I don't know why I suck at games, most likely it is genetics. It's not that I suck all the time, occasionally, I play games where I might do standardly well. That's when I get really excited, and scream like a girl. I do recognize something though that is pretty good: whenever I start playing games, I do really well my first game or two, or early levels. But once I start playing the game adamantly, I usually start getting behind the learning curve. I hope that one day, I will be able to break free from these bonds of being bad, and become a master, at any game. That is all for this weeks, Friday post.
Meh you're better than average but when you play with people like me or Yegie who are veteran gamers you fall behind. I think your strongest weakness in video games are mechanical skills and the lack of research. Remember when we used to play maplestory a long time ago and you built your character totally wrong while I looked up a build before hand. I think those are the thing that sets you behind. Also as of mechanical skills you just have to play more. For League I think what could make you better as of now is to understand which area of the map is safe and where it isn't. Also you need to realize how strong your enemies are compared to you. Being able to understand this alone should set you above the average LOL player at your level and even some level 30s. Last an advice for top lane, if you are constantly pushing and mid is mia a lot buy a ward and save your life, and if mid is mia make sure you can escape and play very passive until he appears on map. Sorry this is a very long post but I thought this was some of the things you need to know in order to improve.
ReplyDelete:D First Comment. Thnx for all the advice bro. Tuturu